Thursday, October 22, 2009

Reflection when initiating systematic literature review

Here I am in the library again, the only location that I can do work: initiating systematic literature review for my directed study. Here is the wiki( for it

The following is my reflection:

What is the information need for laboratory data?

What is the audience? Audience matters in the area because expert knowsledge and computer literacy affect the cognitive process of the information processing.

What is intrinsic to raw clinical laboratory data?
- mostly numeric
- unit matter
- time matter
- some canned text, some free text
- some image
- some sound
- usually flat structure
- few have hierrchary or network when combo-test is ordered, e.g. complete blood count
- some calculated, e.g. total creatinine clearance
- context matter, depended on personal / family health history.

For my systematic review, should I exclude medical images? and just focus on multi-variants?

Hide in Dungeon for six months!

I must say that I had horrible summer. Taking six courses and work at the same time is not fun at all, particularly complicated with the exhausting co-op job applications and interviews. Thus I hide in the sweating computer lab night and day. I realized how much I missed the lovely summer nights, lantern, travel, photography and pottery!
With my favorite fall color, I found my norm again today. I will come out of the dungeon!