Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Identity, skype with own self X 3

A self-portrait when I am testing on my software - Simplified Skype Interface.
There are so many of me.

It is interesting in this self-portrait particularly it shows different faces of me, suggesting a split personna. :P. In this picture, there are own two computers and webcams but three monitors, because my desktop is dead. It would be more interesting if I have more webcams.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ocra lanterns at sunset

Ocra lanterns at sunset
Ocra lanterns at sunset
Originally uploaded by annchou
My two Ocra Lanterns, Aqua, and Alcian Blue are floating on Trout Lake.
And they are lit for the first time. The lake is perfectly still. I like the tranquility given by the lanterns and the reflection, the sunset, and the sky lantern at the back.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mirror Self-portrait in Bathroom

I find this interesting as there are 3-fold reflection in the bathroom:
me, the toilet and the clothes basket, and the reality!
I look serious as I have to hold my breathe for the 3 second exposure.
While I am very pleased with the illuminated curtains by the afternoon light, the light level in the bathroom is low.
And interesting, when I browse for other mirror self-portraits in flickr, most people look serious. Can somebody tell if it is for the same reason?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Making ecological footprint

Hand-on initiatives, no-waste, non-toxic waste to make footprint for sustainability at Brenda's dwelling.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ann Chou's Lantern - Watering Tank(2006), Floating Plane (2007)

This is my lawn sign.

Watering Tank (2006) is a 6 ft wide, 8 ft long, 6 ft high paper-and-bamboo lantern, compliment with three water droplet lantern. The lantern is candle lit, and hanged on the tree.

Floating Plane - Ann Chou's Lantern (Card)

This is my note card.

Floating Plane (2007) is a 6.5 wide, 6 ft long, 3 ft high floating lantern, surfaced with paper and laze, structured with bamboo, and mounted on buoyant board. . The lantern is candle lit, with the exception of the eyes, with are LED lit.

Simplified Skype Interface Demo

The goal of this project is to design and implement a simplified interface for Skype which will enable the target users, the senior with demenia, to use Skype as a video-communication tool with the family.
We will install the software in a touch screen computer, such as ASUS Eee Top 15.6-Inch Touchscreen PC, to provide a more intuitive interface, particular for the user with no computer experience.
This interface developed with QT-toolkit and its python binding. www.canassist.ca

Demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO-BaokqE-c

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Current co-op project

My current co-op project is developing a simplified interface for seniors in long term care to use Skype. There are lots of other potential for this projects, such as tele-health, connecting people with special needs (e.g. with brain injury, or deaf/hearing impaired).
My ambition is to make it as universal as possible.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bhutanese chili

Bhutanese chili
Bhutanese chili
Originally uploaded by annchou
I prefer using natural light.

Therefore the window light in the February afternoon is my best friend because it is directional and warm.
In this picture, Sonam was preparing a Bhutanese lunch for both of us before the photo session of her in national dress. What a nice model :> (Although it was already 2 pm, both of us rose up late on Saturday). I asked her for permission to picture her while she was cooking.

I kept observing how the golden light flow on her and captured the best photo opportunities. I like how the chili was highlighted.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

sonam puzzling in the Shrine

In a late afternoon in Feb, I asked Sonam to dress in Bhutanese National dress. When this picture was asked, Sonam explained the meaning of the objects in the Shrine to me.